The Harris Experience is a two-fold programme over five years
Harris Experience: Years 9-11 is a cultural and academic enhancement programme for our most able secondary school students across the Harris Federation in the lower school. The programme spans over three years for each cohort. During that time, we aim to broaden the cultural and academic experiences of some of our most able secondary students in the Harris Federation, to give them outstanding preparation for some of the country’s top university destinations, including Oxford and Cambridge. In the long term, we see the programme shaping future leaders in all walks of life. Students are exposed to a wealth of high-end cultural experiences, ranging from world class art auctioneering with Christie’s Auctioneers to a trip to the Royal Opera House; from a day of Science in Action at Imperial College, London University, to a bespoke day of lectures at Oxford University. Within their own academies, our Harris Experience students are taught to think independently, to express themselves effectively and to embrace learning for its own sake as well as to start the process of understanding their individual academic pathways. We hope that all Harris Experience students will enter the Harris Sixth Form, where they will automatically gain entry to the Harris Experience Advanced, a programme for our most academically gifted senior students. Here, students are given many opportunities to develop crucial skills needed for successful applications to top universities.
Harris Experience Advanced: Years 12-13 is a Russell Group application programme providing expert guidance and individually-tailored academic opportunities for our most able sixth formers. The programme is aimed at our most academic students who have achieved outstanding grades at GCSE or who prove themselves to be making outstanding academic progress early in Year 12 and maintain this throughout their sixth form life. The programme comprises several whole group sessions; academic tracking; trips and masterclasses; university visits; subject-specific societies to support academic stretch with subject specialist guides; an Oxbridge programme; a medical/dentistry programme; weekly bulletins and follow-up on a wealth of academic opportunities outside of school; guidance on writing very competitive applications to Russell Group universities; interview practice and advice; learning mentors for Oxbridge.
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